7 Drupal Modules to Boost Donations for NGO
Drupal Module for NGO


In the digital age, having a robust online presence is crucial for non-governmental organizations looking to make a significant impact. Drupal, known for its flexibility and scalability, is a preferred choice for many NGOs. In this blog, we will explore seven essential Drupal modules that can significantly enhance your NGO's online donation efforts.

  1. Webform Module: Customizable Forms for Donations

    The Webform module is a versatile tool that allows you to create custom forms for your website. NGOs can utilise this module to design tailored donation forms, ensuring a user-friendly experience for potential donors. Its easy-to-use interface allows you to add various field types, set default values, and even provide predefined options to streamline the donation process.
  2. Stripe Module: Secure and Efficient Payment Processing

    Security is paramount when handling online transactions. The Stripe module integrates seamlessly with your Drupal site, providing a secure and efficient way to process donations. With its user-friendly interface and robust security features, donors can confidently contribute to your cause.
  3. Give Module: Elevate Your Donation Experience

    The Give module is specifically designed to enhance the donation experience on your Drupal site. It allows you to create compelling donation pages, set up recurring donations, and manage donor information with ease. With its comprehensive features, the Give module is an excellent choice for NGOs looking to boost their fundraising efforts.
  4. Currency Module: Global Donations Made Easy

    In today’s globalized world, NGOs often receive donations from supporters around the globe. The Currency module helps in handling different currencies, ensuring that international donors can contribute without any hassle. This module automatically converts currencies and provides up-to-date exchange rates, making the donation process smoother for everyone involved.
  5. Feeds Module: Streamline Content Import

    For NGOs that rely on content from various sources, the Feeds module is a game-changer. It allows you to import and aggregate content from different websites, streamlining the entire process. This module ensures that your site remains updated with the latest information, keeping your supporters informed and engaged.
  6. MailChimp Integration Module: Boost Your Email Marketing

    Email marketing is a powerful tool for NGOs, and the MailChimp Integration module makes it easier than ever to connect with your supporters. This module allows you to integrate your Drupal site with your MailChimp account, enabling you to manage your email lists and campaigns directly from your website.
  7. Google Analytics Module: Gain Insights into Donor behaviour

    Understanding your donors' behaviour is key to optimizing your fundraising efforts. The Google Analytics module provides valuable insights into how users interact with your site, allowing you to make data-driven decisions to enhance the donation experience.


Leveraging the power of Drupal modules can significantly boost your NGO's donation efforts. By creating a user-friendly experience, ensuring secure transactions, and gaining valuable insights into donor behaviour, you can increase your impact and further your cause.

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